Surf Ear 2.0
"Let sound in, keep water out." The Surf Ear 2.0 will do exactly that and do it well. We want longevity for our bodies and for the cold water surfers our ears are one of the first things to be affected. Protection for your ears can be silicon putty plugs from your local pharmacy or a $60 dollar set of "Surf Ear" plugs. Both will keep a layer between your inner ear and the cold water/winds. But the Surf Ear will be better in our opinion. You can still hear kooks calling you off waves or your friend talking about last night.
Interchangeable rubber pieces. Small, Medium and Large Sizes.
Easily interchangeable , to find the right fit.
Comes with a teather that can be attached to somewhere on your wetsuit. Works best if attached to somewhere near neck chest area, a place with the least tension.
$59.95 USD
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